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„Introduction to Hydropower Concepts – Technical Basis of Hydropower Projects“

Seminar held in Guyana on 19th April 2013

(PDF, 41.1 MB)

What is Hydropower?; Hydropower classification; Brief history of the turbine; Hydropower and the environment; Hydropower physics; Electrical generators for turbines; The various turbine types; Elements of hydropower plants; Hydropower plants/Lessons learned.


GEA_hydro_seminar_20140429_Seite_001„Elements of a Hydropower Feasibility Study – Introduction to selected topics relevant for hydropower project feasibility analysis“

Seminar held in Guyana on 29th April 2014

(PDF, 27.6 MB)

Elements of a Hydropower feasibility study; Hydrological aspects of hydropower projects – inflow series; Hydrologic data collection campaign; Geotechnical investigations for hydropower feasibility analysis; Principles of good project layout design; Economic analysis and sensitivity analysis.


Thumb_GEA_hydro-seminar-20150821„Applied Engineering for Small Hydropower Projects – Practical Tips for Hydropower Practitioners“

Seminar held in Guyana on 21st August 2015

(PDF, 7.8 MB)

Field measurements for topographic survey of mini and smaller hydro projects; Different turbine types, their technical qualities and field of usage; Environmental and Social considerations of hydropower projects; Hydropower civil design options: differences, advantages and disadvantages.


About us

Sven Homscheid – Hydropower + Renewable Energy Consulting

Breitenwiesestraße 7
63768 Hösbach

 +49 6021 40 43 46 1
